Albania, Macedonia and Bosnia most corrupted countries in the region


Albania, Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina are listed as most corrupted countries in the region.

These findings emerge from a research project funded by the European Union and implemented by the Centre for the Study of Democracy (CSD), headquartered in Bulgaria, who days ago presented all findings in Washington, reports

In this research, 50% of Albanian citizens have stated that they have been asked bribes, while 40% stated that they have paid a bribe to perform any work.

After Albania, ranks Macedonia. The ratio in this country is 30 to 29 percent. Bosnia and Herzegovina did not come out very well in this research. About 33% of respondents stated they have been asked to pay money of give gifts, while 28% stated that they have bribed people.

Kosovo is ranked fourth with a ratio of 27% and 22 percent.

Even Bulgaria, which is a member of the European Union has problems with corruption. About 24% of Bulgarian citizens have been asked to give bribes while 22% said they have given money. (